At CrossPoint, we believe it is part of the outworking of our faith in Jesus Christ to be reaching out to those in need both in Cairns and around the globe. This is why we’ve established a care fund (note that we also have a domestic violence fund). Every dollar that goes into our care fund will go toward helping those in need.
Our care fund focuses on two key areas right now.
Social welfare assistance
God has a special concern for the weak, the struggling, and the downtrodden. Scripture often singles out widows, orphans, and immigrants for this very reason. We believe that Christians should be at the forefront of generously meeting the needs of these people and standing up for them in the public square.
We currently give through the following means:
- International Justice Mission Australia
- Rachael Liu, medical care in Vanuatu
- World Vision Australia
Care for believers in need
Whether it be the persecuted church or believers in crisis and poverty, we believe that it is our responsibility to contribute to meeting the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.
We currently give through the following means:
Reasons to give to care through CrossPoint
These are some reasons why you might consider doing your charitable giving through CrossPoint instead of directly.
1) The power of collective giving
Collective giving means that regular, small amounts from many people can add up to a big difference over time.
2) The balance of collective giving
Collective giving means that your giving will be spread over a balanced portfolio of opportunities and needs.
3) The accountability of collective giving
Collective giving means that your gift will undergo more scrutiny both at CrossPoint and once it arrives at the recipient. We will be keeping a close eye on how the resources are used.
4) The efficiency of collective giving
Collective giving means that there are lower costs to the recipient organisation.
5) The message of collective giving
Collective giving means that your gift is tied more directly to the message of the grace of God in the gospel by coming through a Christian church.
How to give
If you want to assist financially in our care projects, you can give through our care fund.